If my dream hurt your heart,someday
I will receive that feeling
While trembling in important ones, you run and slip turning
It passed everyday life meaninglessly in the pain which you shoulder
It is surpassed with while you chase continuing
The wind which comes to an end to the way
You searched it should have touched your somewhere,
We would like to protect, as for just you strong
Going away from the wheel track of desire
You insert in the hand once upon a time entirely
That you my Proof
It deposits also the tear entirely
Pushing down the body which becomes tired, you hear
Song of calmness shallow sleep distantly “Collar…” voice
Before becoming aware that we wanted the love which it does not spare
It keeps exceeding the meaning of the pain which you shoulder it is
The field where all desires are cut off
Conflagrate the wind of the fire
Nothing has and I would like to meet to you
Without the good quality which is in side the origin
Disagreeing, it forms pus, therefore we want, very the encounter
Closing hard, it overflows, flows, whirls
As for your shadow Proof
Because you cannot break, it is painful,
As for me being lonely jokes directly
There is no intention the stone of the mud of gathering and polishing
Once upon a time, until to know entirely
It cannot have the wind anymore
I want you to be here…
Because the truth…
We would like to pile up, the sweetly long rain
Even the wheel track of desire does not care
Holding you, in the heart which can discover the eternal bond
My own proof end I with you
That's why we are here
I love you